I have always wanted to grow these. I started a flat over a decade ago and missed watering them and lost them all. I bought some more seeds this spring and put them in the freezer to stratify. They were planted a couple of weeks ago. I now have 2 flats with a total of at least 100 seedlings. I am so excited. David is making fun of me over how frequently I bring up how excited I am about my alpine strawberry seedlings.
It's an awfully hot time of year to be planting these. But I just couldn't fit them in this spring. My light stand only holds so many flats and things like squash and tomatoes were of a higher priority. We started several hundreds plants inside. It's so much fun and always exciting when things germinate.
This week I am working on my list of what to buy now to plant this summer and fall for fall and winter crops. Isaac wanted to know what I was so excited about this morning and it was Yugoslavian Red Lettuce. I spotted this gorgeous lettuce late spring in The Cook's Garden catalog. I can't find it on their website now so I am assuming they sold out. I don't know that it will be a good fall lettuce so I might wait till spring but I'll admit I can't wait to grow it.
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